Along with many anecdotal reports of successful healings, a growing body of research supports the validity of Pranic Healing as a means to facilitate healing of a wide range of physical and emotional illnesses. However, less research has been conducted into the underlying mechanisms of action of Pranic Healing and Prana Energy.

​The QPPS group was formed to conduct meaningful, scientifically valid and reliable research to quantify and describe these phenomena. QPPS is dedicated to research in support of the body of knowledge that indicates Prana is a reliable and valuable, as yet undefined, “energy” that has many applications for the general welfare of the planet Earth.

Current QPPS Research Projects

1. Assessing the Efficacy of Manual Scanning for Quantifying the Prana Field in the Context of Biofield Science, writing for publication

2. The Relationship Between Spiritual Practice and the Average Resistance of Human Subjects, data collection

3. The Frequency Effect of Spiritual Practice on a Space (proposed title), in development

Dr. Salichova demonstrating one representation of 4D: length, width, height, time, during a presentation on “Quantum Time” at the March 2024 Arhatic Yoga Retreat in New Jersey. Dr. Lentine holds 3 dowels representing 3D: x, y, z, axis while Dr. Salichova dangles a model of the Tardis to represent time.

New Articles – click here!

Listen to the “Quantum Physics and Pranic Healing” podcast with Dr. Zora Salichova and Dr. Jason Yuan or click here to watch the video


The QPPS research group includes many volunteers!
If you would like to be part of a team working on the leading edge of science & metaphysics, contact us!

email Principal Investigator, Dr. Zora Salichova

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Copyright 2024
Glenn Joseph Mendoza, MD, MPH