* by Alison Sahoo, Science Writer

Most people who care for plants know their plants’ basic needs: proper light, water, temperature and soil conditions. Many also realize that talking or playing soothing music to them – creating a harmonious environment – can promote growth and better yield.

Energy healers often find that the energy of the plants’ space can further help or harm them. Plants that reside near healing or meditation rooms, for example, can be more lush and full (like the orchid in the picture).

During a recent QPPS experiment, unexpected dramatic effects on the plants used in the experiment were noted. The researchers were measuring the energy level of the plants through a method employed in Pranic Healing, known as scanning. The four geographically dispersed research teams all noticed physical effects on their plants as they continually scanned the plants as part of the experiment, and some found that their own frustrations during the work were echoed back to them by their plants.

This article describes, anecdotally, those experiences.

Scanning: The Art of Feeling Energy with the Hands

“Scanning” is a staple technique used in Pranic Healing, a rapidly growing form of energy healing, to feel and measure the energy fields (also known as the aura) of their clients. Pranic Healers use their palms to feel and assess the energy field, which surrounds all living beings. Scanning typically takes just a few seconds as the healer is only assessing where the edge of the energy field ends.

Another fundamental technique used in Pranic Healing is known “energizing”, where the healer conducts clean Pranic energy from external sources to the client by using the palms to direct the energy to the affected area (similar to the nozzle of a garden hose). Here the palm is held steady for a few minutes as energizing takes longer than scanning. Since palms are used in both techniques, there can be inadvertent energizing if the healer takes longer to scan.

The Common Effects of Repeated Plant Scans

Over the course of several months in mid 2023, four teams of Pranic Healers gathered in four different states, working with different types of potted plants as part of a QPPS experiment. For stretches of 2 to 10 hours, they repeatedly scanned and measured the Prana fields (auras) of their plants. There were some consistent observations noticed by these disparate groups.

All four groups found that:

  • The auras of their plant/s became noticeably smaller when the healers were stressed or argued with each other.
  • The plant auras returned to normal after the healers stopped arguing, reduced the stress or directed loving thoughts to the plants.
  • Plants that were not subjected to environmental stress became more vibrant as the scanning continued.

None of the groups discussed these effects with each other while the work was underway. Their observations arose by accident, during a subsequent meeting of the four teams.

The details noted by each group are described below:

Group 1 (Florida): Plants React to Negative Thoughts

The Florida team used a group of plants including one plant brought from home; four plants from a Pranic Healing Center, including an orchid plant; and cut flowers from a flower shop. As the experiment continued, several incidents occurred that created stress and negative thoughts. The measurements of the plants’ auric field declined. As soon as the researchers mentally apologized to the plants, the readings returned to normal. Specifically:

The session began with energetic clearing of the room, by playing a recording of “Ohm” for about 10 minutes.

As the team prepared to start the experiment, they disagreed on which plants would be used. This created some stress.

Shortly after the first researcher completed her scans, there was another difference of opinion, this time about how to conduct the scans. This created more stress for the group members. After this incident, measurements of the plant auras decreased.

The team leader noted that as she became more curious about the declining measurements, her thoughts began turning to her own plants at home. She specifically thought about one pink orchid, and how, if this plant were used, the measurements would be more consistent.

The leader then looked at the group of plants in the room and had the impression that the orchid was “sad”.  She immediately said out loud that she had been “disrespecting” the experiment plants. She and the other researchers stated that they had “made a mistake” and re-affirmed that the plants were “appreciated” for their role in the experiment.

The measurements returned to their original levels and remained consistent for the remainder of the experiment.

Group 2 (Georgia): Plants Get Tired After Working Hard

The Georgia group worked with several plants – a 3-foot tall mother-in-law tongue and two large peace lilies. While the readings were initially consistent, with time they began to fluctuate. After the group leader energetically cleansed them, the readings normalized and expanded. Specifically:

At the start of the experiment, the researchers noticed what seemed like an energetic “shield” around the plants that would not allow them to obtain accurate readings.

After the group conducted an invocation, they noticed that the energy field of the plants was more “porous” and they could more easily obtain measurements.

With continued scanning, the plants’ energy field fluctuated without regulation then became noticeably smaller. The researchers wondered if the plants were becoming “tired”.

To address this problem, the researchers used Pranic Healing to remove negative energy in the plants. They also verbally “thanked” the plants for participating in the experiment. When the scanning resumed, the plant auras were found to be significantly larger.

In subsequent experiments, whenever the measurements declined, the researchers stopped scanning, removed negative energy and verbally “thanked” the plants. This was found to restore the measurements to their original higher levels and improve consistency.

Group 3 (New Jersey): Stress Shrinks Plant Aura

The New Jersey group measured the aura of a single marigold plant. They were in a rush, with numerous time constraints. The group noticed that as their own stress levels rose, the aura of their marigold plant started to shrink. This caused more stress, as they couldn’t understand why the measurements were changing. In turn, the plant’s aura shrunk more. When the group leader energetically disconnected the plant from each team member, “blessed” the plant and “thanked” it for helping, its aura returned to baseline. Specifically:

At the start of the experiment, the plant appeared vibrant. It had been outside in the sunlight and the researchers chanted “Ohm” in the room before beginning to take measurements.

As the scanning progressed, however, the researchers became stressed. The work was moving slowly and one team member left early.

The team leader noted that she could “feel the stress energy from the researchers’ hands going to the plant.” As this continued, the measurements became “haphazard”. This further increased the stress felt by the researchers.

The team leader then energetically disconnected the researchers from the plant and energetically cleansed their hands. She also “blessed” the plant, focusing on feelings of “love and peace” and “thanked” the plant for “helping”.

The measurements subsequently returned to their original readings.

Group 4 (Pennsylvania): Plant is Revitalized with Lots of Attention

The Pennsylvania group chose a single white orchid plant from a group of different potted plants, as it was found to emit the strongest Prana field. The team spent roughly 10 hours together, on a single day. Stress energy in the room was low as the team members all knew each other; they had worked together before, so were comfortable with, and excited by, the project. None had time constraints.

As the scanning continued, the healer-researchers noticed that Prana field of the plant was expanding. Several also described the plant as “happier” and more vibrant. The picture at right shows the plant before and after several hours of scanning. Specifically:

After several hours of scanning the plant, the measurements continued to increase and the researchers noticed that plant appeared more vibrant.

At this point, the team leader put the plant outside for 10 minutes to clear it of excess energy that it may have absorbed during the scanning. She also played a recording of “Ohm” to energetically cleanse the room.

When the plant was returned to the room, the measurements of its energy field temporarily declined to baseline then returned to their high levels. The team photographer interprets this as the plant responding favorably to the strong, positive energy in the room.


During a recent experiment in which the auras of plants were energetically measured by trained Pranic Healer researchers, significant changes in plant auras were noticed in response to ambient energetic conditions in the research area. Specifically, the auras of the plant/s became noticeably smaller when the healers were stressed or argued with each other; and the plant auras returned to normal after the healers stopped arguing, reduced the ambient stress and/or directed “loving” or “thankful” thoughts to the plants. Plants that were not subjected to environmental stress became more vibrant as the scanning continued. The researchers concluded that the plants were energetically responding to the researchers’ moods and behavior.

December, 2023