by Elizabeth Talboy

At Milano Wellness, we recently embarked on a fascinating experiment using the Biowell device to measure biophotons in the body and map them, creating an image of the aura. For this experiment we employed the Sputnik attachment, which measures the energy in the environment, including the intensity and entropy.

Entropy, in the context of energy, refers to the measure of disorder or randomness in a system. Syntropy, on the other hand, is the measure of order and coherence, representing the opposite of entropy. The Sputnik device measures entropy as negative values on the line graph, and syntropy as positive values. This distinction allows us to visualize shifts in environmental energy states.

For our experiment, we took the Biowell and Sputnik devices to Christine Haggerty’s Into the Light Healing for a Pranic Healing session. The results were astonishing. As soon as we set the intention to start the healing, the graph showed a significant jump (-153) from a normal but very entropic state to a syntropic state (+2). Interestingly, this shift occurred not when the healing began, but from the moment the initial scan was performed. This indicates that even the act of setting the intention for healing can create a positive energetic shift.

Throughout the session, even when we spoke and shared some light-hearted jokes, the energy remained syntropic. There were slight dips, likely correlating with our conversation, but the overall state remained positive and coherent. This consistency in syntropy highlights the profound impact of intentional healing practices. The visual representation of this shift was captured in the attached image from our experiment with Christine Haggerty. The top graph displays the energy levels, while the bottom graph shows the entropy measurements. The clear transition from an entropic to a syntropic state underscores the power of intentional healing.

We also conducted similar experiments with my Intention Group, based on Lynn McTaggart’s “The Power of Eight.” Our group of twelve members focuses on healing intentions for one member at a time, uniting our energies for a concentrated 10-minute session. Remarkably, as soon as I read the intention statement, the energy jumped from an entropic state to a syntropic state, even before the meditation began. This phenomenon was consistently observed, reinforcing the transformative power of collective intention.

With the Biowell device, I am able to scan a person’s aura and have observed significant improvements over time following the biophoton sessions I provide. This reinforces the efficacy of our sessions at Milano Wellness, where we combine science and spirituality to promote holistic healing. For those interested in Pranic Healing, I highly recommend visiting Christine Haggerty at Into the Light Healing, where proven Pranic Healing techniques are practiced.

Seeing the healing energy mapped visually through these experiments is truly beautiful. It provides tangible proof of the positive impact of our healing work, offering a bridge between spirituality and measurable scientific phenomena. The Sputnik device has given us a new perspective on the power of intention and healing, allowing us to witness and document the shifts in energy that accompany these profound practices.

At Milano Wellness, we are committed to exploring and integrating such innovative tools to enhance our understanding and practice of holistic healing. The results from our recent experiments inspire us to continue this journey, bridging the gap between science and spirituality, and illuminating the incredible potential of intentional healing.