Prana Energy, also called Prana, is a postulated form of energy that is different from the known electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, the energy of Classical Physics, and the Quantum Energy Field. It is therefore not directly identifiable or measurable with conventional EM, Classical, or Quantum Physics equipment; however, its existence explains a vast volume of effects that have been observed both anecdotally and scientifically. In that respect, and others, it is similar to Quantum Energy.


1. Prana Source

Prana Source is the origin of Prana Energy, both primary and secondary. The sun is considered the primary Prana Source (distinct from solar radiation), from which all other (secondary) sources are derived. Air, Earth, and trees are considered major secondary Prana Sources.

2. Prana Particles

Like some quantum particles, Prana Particles are postulated, but as yet undefined. Because Prana Energy is analogous in many ways to electromagnetic (EM) energy, and because EM energy can be described as both a wave and a particle, Prana Particles are proposed to describe certain characteristics of Prana Energy such as its ability to carry EM energy and its ability to cause quantum jumping (back and forth from ground to excited states).

3. Prana Field

A Prana Field is a concentrated area of Prana Energy. While Prana, like EM energy, can be found everywhere, certain areas are denser and as such, can be identified and measured. The distance from the center of the Prana Source to the outside edge of this area is defined as the Prana Field radius.

4. Prana Paser

A Prana Paser (Prana Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is intentional and concentrated Prana Energy projected using the hands, a crystal, or other means.

5. Prana Force

Prana Force is the ability of a Prana Field to cause a change in the objective or subjective reality, in concurrence and agreement with intent. Prana Force is not necessarily restricted by Classical Physics variables such as mass, acceleration, time, work, displacement or distance.

6. Pranic Entanglement

Pranic Entanglement represents the application of Quantum Entanglement to particles, micro, and macro objects. Faster Than Light (FTL) speed and instantaneous transfer of Prana allows for healing and other Prana Force applications.

7. Pranic Non-Locality

Pranic Non-Locality is based upon the principle that Prana Energy is everywhere without definite local location. It describes the ability of Prana to be at a distant location without the application of Classical Physics space-time variables. Pranic Non-Locality and Pranic Entanglement allow for Distance Healing.

8. Pranic Instantaneous Action-At-A-Distance

Pranic Instantaneous Action-At-A-Distance is the Prana corollary of Albert Einstein’s Spooky Action-at-a-Distance. It describes the ability of Prana to act upon objects instantaneously without the limitations of distance and time as in correlation to Quantum Mechanics Faster Than Light (FTL) speed principle.

9. Pranic Resonance

Analogous to the state of EM resonance in Classical Physics, Pranic Resonance describes a state in which the Pranic Energy of individual group members becomes similar to each other. In this state of harmony, the sum of Prana from the group in resonance is greater than the sum of Prana of its members in a non-resonant state.

10. Pranic Conductivity

Pranic Conductivity applies the concept of electrical conductivity to the etheric body. High Pranic Conductivity occurs when the chakras are in line, equal in size and connected. It also occurs when the Spiritual Cord is wider. This tends to result in a more defined and controlled life path.

Conversely, lower Pranic Conductivity occurs when the chakras are out of balance and/or the Spiritual Cord is narrower. This tends to result in more variance in life.

Pranic Conductivity is directly proportional to possible greater receptivity of Prana Energy as receptivity conforms to other variables.

11. Pranic Receptivity

Pranic Receptivity is the ability of sentient beings to receive Prana Energy. It is often, but not always, reflected in a more open mindset or intent.

Pranic Receptivity can be increased through physical and emotional cleansing practices, volunteer work, spiritual study, meditation, and coming into Pranic Resonance with those who have high Pranic Receptivity or high Pranic Conductivity.

12. Pranic Probability

Pranic Probability is the Prana corollary to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It states that the probability of intended events involving Prana Energy or Prana Force varies.

13. Pranic Doppler Effect

The Pranic Doppler Effect produces an effect with Prana Energy that is similar to the effect produced in EM energy by the Doppler Effect. It results in a greater concentration of Prana Energy as a Prana Source moves towards an observer; and a lower concentration of Prana Energy as a Prana Source moves away from an observer.

14. Pranic Non-Separability

Everything in the Universe is connected via the Prana Field. In some cases, such as the EM spectrum and visible light, Prana acts as a Universal Carrier.

QPPS Research Group Prana Energy Terms and Definitions

United States Library of Congress Copyright, Registration Number TX 9-203-278

Nov. 8, 2022


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Copyright 2024
Glenn Joseph Mendoza, MD, MPH